Bus stop von Boijgatan closed
Bus line 760 does not serve the von Boijgatan stop due to roadworks. This is ongoing 2024-08-19 at 4:00 - 2024-09-13 at 23:30. We refer to the temporary stop Smedjegatan.
Laxå Sjukhem bus stop closed
Bus line 760 does not serve the Laxå Sjukhem stop due to roadworks. This is ongoing 2024-08-19 at 4:00 - 2024-09-13 at 23:30. We refer to the temporary stop Sandlyckan.
- Start destination, Laxå Järnvägsstation (Laxå)
- Postgatan (Laxå)
- Vackra vägen (Laxå)
- von Boijgatan (Laxå)
- Fördärvet (Laxå)
- Röfors bruket (Laxå)
- Blästervägen (Laxå)
- Röfors (Laxå)
- Nyttorp (Laxå)
- Nyhammaren (Laxå)
- Skogskyrkogården (Laxå)
- Aulins väg (Laxå)
- Rättarstigen (Laxå)
- Jungfrustigen (Laxå)
- Sjukhemmet (Laxå)
- Centralskolan (Laxå)
- final destination, Saltängsskolan (Laxå)