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District C - Örebro municipality

Suits those who travel regularly within the municipality of Örebro.

Validity and price: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30-days and 30-days Off-peak. The price is based on which price category is relevant and which validity you choose.

Information about our price categories

Information about our time validities

Price chart for District C 2024



Young Person

7-19 years







24 hours  44 SEK  64 SEK  80 SEK  160 SEK
Flex 10/40  340 SEK  490 SEK  620 SEK  
30 days Off-Peak  235 SEK    475 SEK  
30 days  525 kr  760 kr  955 kr  

Subscribe to the ticket for District C 30-days and 30-days Off-peak. Information in Swedish only.

Area: City buses and regional buses within the municipality of Örebro. Also includes the Local Service (Närtrafik).

Applies to travel across the county border with route 230 to Götlunda. You must be able to show a receipt for your activated ticket if you travel across the county border.