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The following conditions are applied for the purchase of Länstrafiken Örebro's tickets via Länstrafiken Örebro's app. Länstrafiken is part of the Örebro County Region and is mentioned in the terms and conditions as Länstrafiken Örebro.

Please read the terms and conditions before making the purchase.

User and purchase terms and conditions for our app
  • 1. Parties

    These terms and conditions apply to you the user of the app and/or the person who registers and buys tickets from Region Örebro County.

    You the customer are referred to as ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘customer’ or ‘the customer’ in the terms and conditions.

    Region Örebro County is referred to as “Länstrafiken” in the terms and conditions. 

  • 2. Confirmation

    By using and/or registering a payment method in the app, you accept Länstrafiken’s user and purchase terms and conditions and you consent to the registration of personal data about you that are necessary for the service. When you buy tickets a binding agreement is formed between you and Länstrafiken. When your order is received, you are automatically sent confirmation in the form of a ticket which also serves as a travel pass for the journey. Länstrafiken reserves the right to refuse delivery of the ticket if the purchase infringes these user and purchase terms and conditions.

  • 3. The customer’s responsibility

    You are responsible for any service fees that the telecommunications operator charges for sending or receiving data and/or SMS when registering and using Länstrafiken’s app and when buying tickets.

    The tickets are not personal, but they are connected to the customer’s app. 

    It is recommended that you set a password for your mobile phone to protect tickets and information stored on your phone.

    If you lose the mobile phone with the number registered in Länstrafiken’s app for buying tickets, you are responsible for notifying the relevant payment service of the loss so that your chosen means of payment is blocked. If you have chosen to pay by invoice, contact Klarna; if you have chosen to pay by card, contact your bank. 

  • 4. Länstrafiken’s responsibility

    Länstrafiken’s commitment regarding this Agreement is restricted to providing an opportunity for you to use the app and its ticket options on the terms stated in these user and purchase terms and conditions.

    Länstrafiken is not responsible for errors or delays that are directly or indirectly a consequence of causes or circumstances beyond Länstrafiken’s immediate control, other than those covered by Länstrafiken’s travel guarantee rules. Länstrafiken is not responsible for dealings between you and third parties that take place with the assistance of or as a result of your use of the app and ticket.

    Länstrafiken provides no guarantee that you can always use the app. However, Länstrafiken intends to remedy any technical problems, data errors, price errors or other problems in the service that Länstrafiken is made aware of.

    Länstrafiken provides the app and ticket service at no cost to you. You cannot, therefore, assert other claims or consequences against Länstrafiken other than those expressly stated in these user and purchase terms and conditions.

    Länstrafiken may hire subcontractors. They may for instance be hired for services relating to administration of the technical platform where registration takes place, administration of credit rating checks and blocks, invoicing and customer service. Länstrafiken’s obligations towards you may be transferred.

  • 5. Prices

    Länstrafiken’s prices are stated including VAT. See Länstrafiken’s website for current prices. 

  • 6. Registering information for automatic debiting

    In order to be able to buy a ticket, you have to register and choose a payment method. You can register either before you buy a ticket or when you buy a ticket. Registration is carried out directly in the app.

    You can pay with Swish, card or invoice. When you have a saved payment method, you can easily make the next purchase. Your saved payment methods also apply to some other public transport companies. These are available under "Travel in another county" in the app.

    Option 1: Paying by invoice

    The invoice will be sent to the person whose phone number is given during registration. Invoices are sent monthly. If no purchases are made during a particular month, no invoice will be issued. For further information, see Klarna’s terms and conditions (link available in app).

    Option 2: Pay by VISA/MasterCard/Maestro

    VISA, Maestro and MasterCard are permitted payment cards. When registering by card you must provide the card number, expiry date and CVV/CVC code. When paying for tickets by card, a card transaction is automatically generated that equates to the cost of your ticket. All you have to provide for repeat purchases is the CVV/CVC code. When buying from more than one public transport company, the card is charged in the same way as for purchases from Länstrafiken.  

    Option 3: Pay with Swish

    If you have Swish on your phone, you can use it as a payment method. The pay is deducted directly from your bank account. The Swish app opens automatically on your mobile device and then you accept the payment via your Mobile Bank ID. There are age limits for the use of Swish and they are determined by the banks. You can find more information about this service and how Swish manages your personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Ordinance, in conjunction with the registration of Swish or at www.swish.nu. You can also contact your bank for more information

  • 7. Credit check

    Klarna may carry out a check of your ability to pay when you as a customer register ‘invoice’ as your payment method to order and pay for tickets. For further information, see Klarna’s terms and conditions (link available in app).

  • 8. Right of withdrawal

    Statutory right of withdrawal, under Sweden’s Distance Sales and Door-to-Door Sales Act (2005:59), does not apply to agreements concerning transport, which is why purchases of single tickets are not covered by right of withdrawal.

    Further information on refunds can be found on Länstrafiken’s website.

  • 9. Misuse and blocking of services

    Länstrafiken reserves the right to block services fully or partially without prior notice if unauthorised use or misuse of the service is suspected or if Länstrafiken deems it justified based on technical, security or other reasons in order to protect Länstrafiken’s, the customer’s or other parties’ interests. 

    Misuse includes all types of fraud, false purchases or falsely entered data. Misuse is reported to the police authorities without exception.

    The service may also be blocked if you do not pay your invoices on time.

  • 10. Security

    Card details are processed and stored securely in line with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). 

    For information on security regarding payment by invoice, please visit Klarna’s website.

  • 11. User licence

    Länstrafiken gives you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the app and ticket-buying service, and to use the services that become available to you through this in accordance with these user and purchase terms and conditions. The app and ticket service may not be used for other purposes.

    Software and other copyright-protected material provided by Länstrafiken, or by its subcontractors, remain the property of Länstrafiken or the other party. You may not grant the use of, transfer, make accessible or in some other way make use of the software or other copyright-protected information beyond that which is expressly stated in these user and purchase terms and conditions.

  • 12. Personal data

    You may need to provide personal data in order to use the app and the ticket service in the app and the related services available. User data may be generated through your use of the app and ticket service, such as login information, travel history and payment history. These data are necessary to enable you to make purchases and receive personal services, for example. 

    When you register your payment method you consent to a credit rating test being carried out where applicable and to subcontractors receiving some of the personal data you provided on registration, and to them receiving information about you being blocked from new purchases, where applicable.   

    Your personal data are processed in order to administrate and fulfil Länstrafiken’s assignment and agreement with you and in order to take measures requested before and after the agreement was met. Personal data may also be processed in order to enable Länstrafiken to meet its legal obligations. Furthermore, personal data may be processed as a basis for market and customer analyses, business and method development, statistics and/or risk management.

    Personal data may also be passed on to the public transport companies that provide the app, the ticket service for mobile phones and related services for specified purposes, and to official authorities if there is a legal obligation to do so. Personal data may also be passed on to any other party acquiring a debt.

    Länstrafiken and its subcontractors undertake to process the data in accordance with the Personal Data Act (1998:204), to amend incorrect data and to delete data that are not needed. You are entitled to obtain information about which of your personal data Länstrafiken processes. If you would like this information, you must make a written request signed by you. You are also entitled to request at any time that incorrect, incomplete or misleading data about you be amended and to make a written request that your personal data may not be used for direct marketing.

    By using the app and ticket service in the app you authorise the processing of personal data as specified in these user and purchase terms and conditions.

    Länstrafiken is the data controller for the collection of personal data in connection with registration of the ticket service in the app. The data collected and generated are used to enable registration and to generate statistics regarding use of the ticket service. 

    When buying and using other services from a public transport company using the app and the ticket service in the app, the respective public transport company is the data controller for the resulting processing. Further information about the public transport company’s processing of your personal data may be provided by the relevant public transport company.

    Upon payment, Länstrafiken is still the data controller for the processing resulting from the payment process, unless otherwise stated by the relevant payment intermediary in terms applicable between you and them. In the event of a transfer of the debt, the acquiring party becomes the data controller for the data processed by the acquiring party.

    If you would like information or to have data amended, contact Länstrafiken Örebro via the address below. 

    lt.orebro@lanstrafiken.se Enter “Ticket in app” in the subject row.  

  • 13. Contact

    For order-related matters, please contact Länstrafiken Customer Service. The contact details can be found on Länstrafiken’s website.

  • 14. Other terms and conditions

    In addition to these terms and conditions, the relevant parts of Länstrafiken’s general travel terms and conditions also apply. Visit lanstrafiken.se for the current terms and conditions. 

  • 15. Changes to terms and conditions etc.

    Länstrafiken is entitled to change these user and purchase terms and conditions without prior notice. The amended terms and conditions are binding if you continue to use the app and the ticket service in the app after the altered terms and conditions have come into effect.

    Länstrafiken’s user and purchase terms and conditions apply until further notice. You are entitled to cancel the agreement with Länstrafiken at any time with immediate effect; the easiest way of doing this is to deregister from the app. 

    If you have not used the ticket service in the last 12-month period, Länstrafiken is entitled to deregister you. 

    The app and the ticket service in the app, the content of the services provided via this and the technical circumstances for using the app and the ticket service may change. If you do not approve the changes, you are entitled to stop using the app and the ticket service; if you do not do this it will be assumed that you have accepted the changes. You cannot claim other rights due to the changes.

    The app and ticket service in the app are provided until further notice. Länstrafiken reserves the right to stop providing the app, the ticket service in the app and any services in that respect at any time.

  • 16. Applicable law, and disputes

    These terms and conditions and related legal situations shall be subject to Swedish law.

    Any disputes regarding the interpretation and application of these user and purchase terms and conditions and related legal situations shall be settled by ordinary court of law.

    Länstrafiken gives you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the app and ticket-buying service, and to use the services that become available to you through this in accordance with these user and purchase terms and conditions. The app and ticket service may not be used for other purposes.

    Software and other copyright-protected material provided by Länstrafiken, or by its subcontractors, remain the property of Länstrafiken or the other party. You may not grant the use of, transfer, make accessible or in some other way make use of the software or other copyright-protected information beyond that which is expressly stated in these user and purchase terms and conditions.

To be able to use the app, you need an Android OS 9.0 or newer. The app is also developed for IOS.